1412 West Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60607-1821 (312) 733-7776

Blue Cross/Blue Shield Illinois ID Cards

Originally Posted on January 10, 2017

333 S U I T E 4 0 0 , C H I C A SOUTH STATE STREET, G O , I L L I N O I S 6 0 6 0 4 - 3978

December 27, 2016

Re: Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois ID Cards

To: City Employees whose PPO or HMO information changes January 1, 2017.

This includes sworn police officers below the rank of sergeant in the PPO. If you need to visit a medical provider or fill a prescription before your new Blue Cross card arrives in the mail, you can print a temporary ID card from the Blue Cross website.

You will be getting a new Blue Cross card because your plan changes on January 1, 2017 if:
• You had the PPO in 2016 and selected HMO at open enrollment, or
• You had the HMO in 2016 and selected PPO at open enrollment, or
• You had no medical plan in 2016 and signed up for coverage at open enrollment, or
• You are a sworn police officer below the rank of sergeant enrolled in the PPO for 2017

How to Print a Temporary ID Card
1. You’ll need your new group number (189421/Active Officers & 189422/55 and Out) and your Blue Cross ID number (this is not your City employee ID number). Call Blue Cross at 1-800-772-6895 to get the numbers you need. Blue Cross is available 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST.
2. Log into bcbsil.com/cityofchicago.
3. On the right side of the screen, log into Blue Access for Members. If you have not registered before, click the Register Now button and use your group and ID numbers to complete the registration and create a user name and password.
4. You should now be logged into Blue Access for Members.
5. Click the Log In tab and type in your user name and password.
6. Find “Quick Links” on the left side of the screen (see on next page of this letter). Click on “Get a Temporary ID Card” which you can print. The next page describes the Blue Access for Members tools and information. Call Blue Cross at 1-800-772-6895 if you need help printing a temporary ID card or have questions about your plan coverage.

The Chicago Benefits Office

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