1412 West Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60607-1821 (312) 733-7776

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Passing Of Deputy Chief Dion Boyd
Originally Posted on July 28, 2020 Our Condolences go out to the family, friends, and colleagues of Deputy Chief Dion Boyd. Please keep them in your prayers as they navigate their way through this terrible tragedy. Rest In Peace, Sir.

PAR 5 Resort Frontline Discount
Originally Posted on July 24, 2020

Cook County Property Tax Appeals
Originally Posted on July 21, 2020 The Cook County Assessor is now accepting Property Tax Appeals. Their Office is closed to the public but you can appeal online here.

FOP Golf Outing
Originally Posted on July 20, 2020

Dangerous State Of Old South Shore Being Used For Training
Originally Posted on July 17, 2020 Our letter regarding the state of the old South Shore High School at 76th and Constance that is scheduled to be used for in-service training for our Officers starting this Monday July 20, 2020. The City has not responded. Photos and the entire letter below. “The Lodge intends to advise all Officers of these abnormally dangerous conditions and their rights under Section 20 of the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. That section provides that the...

Get Behind The Vest Fundraiser In Memorium Of Sgt. Severin And Officer Rizzato
Originally Posted on July 16, 2020 On July 17th 1970 two Chicago Police Officers were in a volunteer program to leave their squad cars and walk among the people they swore to protect in the Cabrini Green Housing Project. Both officers organized baseball games, bought ice cream for the kids and genuinely tried to make a difference. On that hot July afternoon they were both murdered with high powered rifles to seal a pact between two gangs. One of those officers was my Uncle Jim. Sgt...

RDO Cancelled On A Holiday
Originally Posted on June 30, 2020

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We pledge ourselves to promote the health and welfare of all Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and their immediate families; to raise and maintain the professional standards of the Chicago Law Enforcement Officer; and to represent Chicago Police Officers in affairs relative to the administration of the department.

© Chicago John Dineen Lodge #7
Website built and maintained by NEP Services