1412 West Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60607-1821 (312) 733-7776

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N-95 Masks And Questionnaires
Originally Posted on March 30, 2020 When a member reports to be trained and fitted with the N-95 mask the member is asked to complete an accompanying questionnaire. This questionnaire contains questions about the member's personal medical history. This questionnaire is voluntary and you can refuse to complete it. Do not complete the questionnaire if you are uncomfortable with any of the questions you are being asked. Please contact the Lodge if you are ordered to involuntarily comple...

Letter From Interim Superintendent On Childcare For First Responders
Originally Posted on March 30, 2020 I wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for your continued service to the City of Chicago and its residents amid this unprecedented public health crisis. This City has an obligation to support each of you who are on the frontlines in the fight against this pandemic, and I wanted to make you all aware of a new resource designed specifically to ensure Chicago's first responders can find reliable childcare that will allow them to continue t...

COVID Testing; Improper Work Assignments; Incident Response Teams
Originally Posted on March 29, 2020 COVID Testing We have been confronting the City on a daily basis about adding protections for our members. This includes not only safety equipment and supplies, but also establishing exclusive testing facilities that will meet the needs of First Responders, Retired First Responders, and their family members. We will keep you updated. Improper Work Assignments The Lodge has been notified by some of our members that they are being assigned to ta...

COVID Updates
Originally Posted on March 28, 2020 COVID and the National FOP I have been in constant contact with National FOP President Patrick Yoes. We have discussed the shortage of PPE supplies for Chicago Police Officers. We were advised that this is not only a local issue, but a national issue as well. The National FOP has been in talks with the federal government to get these much needed supplies into our hands as expeditiously as possible. Everyone has been thinking outside of the box....

Cancelled RDOs And 6th/7th Workday
Originally Posted on March 27, 2020 One of the most common questions we have been asked since the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Chicago is: What do I receive for compensation if my day off is cancelled and it is also my 6th or 7th workday? The answer is: You receive time and one-half for the hours actually worked or a minimum of eight-hours pay, whichever is greater. You cannot receive time and one-half for both the cancelled day off and time and one-half for the 6th or 7th workday. Only o...

Election Reminder
Originally Posted on March 27, 2020 Although the ballot count and walk-in voting have been postponed, the mail ballot process remains unchanged. Your mail ballot must still be received at the USPS PO Box by close of business on Thursday, April 2nd. There are no exceptions. The Election Committee strongly encourages all eligible members, who wish to vote, to mail their return ballot as soon as possible so that it will be received timely and will be counted. Thank you in advance for y...

2020 FOP Lodge #7 Presidential Runoff Election
Originally Posted on March 21, 2020 TO: All members of FOP Chicago Lodge #7 FROM: The 2020 Board of Directors Election Committee RE: 2020 Presidential Runoff Election As you are aware, the vote count for the Presidential Runoff Election was scheduled for Friday, April 3, 2020. On that date, the ballots were to be picked up from the U.S. Post Office and walk-in voting would be allowed from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. At that time, the votes were to have been counted and the victoriou...

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We pledge ourselves to promote the health and welfare of all Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and their immediate families; to raise and maintain the professional standards of the Chicago Law Enforcement Officer; and to represent Chicago Police Officers in affairs relative to the administration of the department.

© Chicago John Dineen Lodge #7
Website built and maintained by NEP Services